Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Christian Addiction

Addiction-- affects us all in one way or another. When we hear the word addiction we tend to think of a homeless person begging to purchase drugs or alcohol. Brief reflection on this gross generalization can bring light to the fact that one does not have to be on the street to suffer from an addiction. "Addiction is defined by the repetitive use of substances and/or behaviors despite the clear evidence of the detrimental effects not only to the individual but to those surrounding the individual as well, subsequent of the substance abuse or behavior. An addiction does not necessarily mean an addiction to a drug or alcohol, but can also be uncontrolled behaviors such as pornographic addiction, sex addiction, gambling addiction, or other behaviors that are uncontrollable regardless of their negative consequences. An addiction will generally take over aspects of an individual’s life, and in some cases, can be the sole focus of one’s life." Karl Marx told us that religion is the opiate of the masses, and I couldn't agree more because not only does religion fill that void that people look for, it's also dangerously addicting.

Now that we have understood what addiction is, how can one argue the fact that being an involved member of an organized religion is NOT an addiction? Christians go to church one or more times a week, as well as usually participating in outside church related activities. The most significant part of this definition is the last line "An addiction will generally take over aspects of an individual’s life, and in some cases, can be the sole focus of one’s life". Religious people tend to allow this belief to take over their lives. Once they make "that connection with the lord" they don't remember how to go back. Which sounds a lot like doing an addicting drug to me. Children of religious people also tend to absorb the same beliefs, just as children of addicts. Which means that religion can and will continue over time to affect the beliefs of millions.

These blind followers of Christianity can hurt themselves as well as others around them just as users of addictive drugs can. The religious people fighting against abortion claim that it is innocent killing on a massive scale. There is much more innocent killing going on world wide, most of it undoubtedly at the hands of the United States. Now, I have no problem with the beliefs being expressed even if they’re misguided but when restrictions get put in place to satisfy the religious powers around the nation that is unfair to the entire rest of the population who is not addicted to God. We are all free to hold our beliefs, we are not free to impose our beliefs to the extent of hindering the freedoms of others. Roe v. Wade being overturned would be an abomination, and it would be largely credited to religion. Answer me this; how does one fight against abortions performed in a medical building, but support a war based on what we know to be lies that is resulting in deaths DAILY!

Religious people have their vice just as drug addicts, to put it as bluntly as possible, drug addiction and religion are the same thing. Religious people devote their lives to their addiction, sell the idea to friends and family, blow their money on donations, and put "god" ahead of everything. These are the same qualities as an addict.

"Religion creates nothing except intangible emotional solace for those who need it."
- Peter Joseph [Zeitgeist Addendum]

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